Downloading public details of users as a guest

Gabor Szabo gabor at
Thu Apr 4 01:58:42 CEST 2013

On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 11:26 PM, Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni
<sebastien at> wrote:

> It's a simple shared secret; the handler just checks if the key exists in the config:
> »
> And yes, you can define it in you local act.ini
>> I tried to configure the API key for the ILPW2013 but it seems my svn
>> commits are not deployed
>> to the live site. Is something broken on the act server or am I doing
>> something wrong?
> No, that's normal behavior: closed conference only get svn-updated once per day, at midnight.

OK, so after waiting the right amount of time I see the site got
updated and I can use the API_key
with the ILPW2013 site.

If I understand this correctly I still need to ask each conference
organizer to add an API_key, right?

If they put a key in then anyone can get any of the fields listed in
including fields that are otherwise not public such as 'email',
'address', 'vat' and maybe a few others. (I am happy to see that
passwd is not among them.)

If that's true, can Act administrators still allow this without giving
out private information?


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