Can't login to the YAPC::Europe website

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni sebastien at
Thu Feb 14 15:55:52 CET 2013

Andrew Shitov wrote:

> Hi,

Hello Andrew,

> Here's a bug report from the user. Did we see that earlier? I did not
> ask him if cookies were enabled though.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Hi I'd like to report a bug.  This is continued from last year.  I
> can't seem to login to the website.  If I tell it that I forgot my
> password it will email me and I can click that link and it will log
> me in.  But if I log out I can't log back in again.

I never heard of anybody not being able to log in this way.
Did he try changing his password before logging out and in?
There's this known design mishap which is that on the changepw
page, the old password field appears even though it shouldn't:
simply leave it empty, enter a new password, click enter.

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

Close the world, txEn eht nepO.

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