[Act] YAPCEU::2015

Diego Kuperman diego at freekeylabs.com
Tue Dec 2 10:04:11 CET 2014

Good morning Sébastien,

I would like to add JJ to the svn repo of 'ye2015', his public key is:

-------------- section suivante --------------
Une pi?ce jointe autre que texte a ?t? nettoy?e...
Nom: id_dsa.pub
Type: application/octet-stream
Taille: 605 octets
Desc: non disponible
URL: <http://listes.mongueurs.net/archives/act/attachments/20141202/0ad00bbf/attachment-0001.obj>
-------------- section suivante --------------

?by the way? I've seen you are working on a new workflow using github!? I would really like to be a beta tester, my user is diegok, JJ is JJ also there :-)

Thank you!,

On Sep 3, 2014, at 9:41 PM, Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni wrote:

> Diego Kuperman wrote:
>> Hello Sébastien,
> Hello Diego,
>> may I have a test instance of act for the next yapceu in Granada? :-)
> Done: http://test.mongueurs.net/ye2015/
> As usual, the files are in ~/ye2015-test/
> -- 
> Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni
> Close the world, txEn eht nepO.
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