Multiple limited-amount products in Act?

Salve J Nilsen sjn at
Fri Feb 7 00:42:06 CET 2014

Hei! is organizing a triple-event about Mojolicious in Oslo ultimo May. 
We're planning on the following:

Mojolicious 1-day class, €500 (est), limited capacity, on May 23rd
Mojo.conf 1-day conference, €20, limited capacity, on May 24th
Mojolicous 1-day hackathon, free, limited capacity, on May 25th

Regarding this, I have a couple questions/requests:

1) How do I limit the amount of products available of a given type? (e.g. We 
have only room for 12 attendees on the course, and have to make sure no more 
than 12 tickets are sold for it). The same goes for the conference (140) and 
hackathon (20)).

2) Would you mind reminding me where to find instructions on how to involve 
YEF to handle the banking stuff? :)

Thanks! ^^

- Salve,

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