online payment

Martina Peštová mp at
Fri Mar 14 09:28:01 CET 2014

Good morning,

I have a question about payment. If somebody pays, does the system 
automatically send an e-mail to me?

Thank you


Dne 2014-02-28 09:44, Philippe Bruhat (BooK) napsal:
> On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 07:34:57AM +0100, Martina Peštová wrote:
>> The assistant who should have paid said it did not accept their
>> credit card but the credit card works. Have you had any other
>> payments for czech perl workshop before or not yet?
> No payments registered yet for Czech Perl Workshop.
> Here's a dump from the current database:
>      order_id | conf_id  | user_id |      datetime       | means  |
> currency | status | type
> ----------+----------+---------+---------------------+--------+----------+--------+------
>         10893 | czpw2014 |   10427 | 2014-02-18 10:14:42 | ONLINE |
> CZK      | init   | YEF
>         10898 | czpw2014 |     306 | 2014-02-20 11:59:49 | ONLINE |
> CZK      | init   | YEF
>         10899 | czpw2014 |     306 | 2014-02-20 12:03:21 | ONLINE |
> CZK      | init   | YEF
>         10902 | czpw2014 |     306 | 2014-02-20 14:52:24 | ONLINE |
> CZK      | init   | YEF
>         10959 | czpw2014 |    9944 | 2014-02-26 12:14:17 | ONLINE |
> CZK      | init   | YEF
>         10960 | czpw2014 |    9944 | 2014-02-26 12:14:46 | ONLINE |
> CZK      | init   | YEF
>         10961 | czpw2014 |    9944 | 2014-02-26 12:22:32 | ONLINE |
> CZK      | init   | YEF
>         10962 | czpw2014 |    9946 | 2014-02-26 12:23:50 | ONLINE |
> CZK      | init   | YEF
>         10963 | czpw2014 |   10530 | 2014-02-26 13:58:31 | ONLINE |
> CZK      | init   | YEF
>         10979 | czpw2014 |    3880 | 2014-02-28 08:23:28 | ONLINE |
> CZK      | init   | YEF
>     (10 lignes)
> Well, I think the issue is clear: the online payment system does not 
> support
> CZK. And YEF only has bank accounts in EUR and GBP.
> So this is a configuration issue. You should setup your conference 
> currency
> to EUR.

Ing. Martina Pestova
Marketing & Sales Associate
Phone: (+420)777737785

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