to sebastien: online payment and the list

Martina Peštová mp at
Tue Mar 18 09:14:51 CET 2014


I added the info on website of the workshop that payment is available 
only in eur currency, but if you have Paypal system available, it would 
be fine. I guess there were no paymenets even in EUR currency so far. Is 
it possible to inform people who tried to pay online that they can pay 
via bank transfer? I saw only some your system ID number by the refused 
payment transaction.

Thank you.


Dne 2014-03-18 09:07, Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni napsal:
> Martina Peštová wrote:
>> Good morning,
> Hello, sorry for not answering earlier, the network access at the Perl
> QA hackathon was very random.
>> I have a question about payment. If somebody pays, does the system 
>> automatically send an e-mail to me?
> A mail is sent, but only to the people responsible for the
> corresponding payment mechanism, not to the conference organizers.
> Also, we never got an answer fro you regarding the currency: are you
> ok with switching to EUR, or do you want to try another payment
> mechanism (say, Paypal)?

Ing. Martina Pestova
Marketing & Sales Associate
Phone: (+420)777737785

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