[Act] YAPC::Amsterdam
Theo van Hoesel
th.j.v.hoesel at gmail.com
Tue Oct 25 22:50:42 CEST 2016
Hi Sébastien,
I respond to you in private... for i was already working on a 'project' that might help us indeed... but rather not have it disclosed now, since i need to have the whole marketing thing in place first.
I've registered http://www.perl.evetns <http://www.perl.evetns/> and was ... in conjunction with the Act-Voyager REST api going to build a new global frontend the new front end could be hosted by a single instance, as long as people adhere to the REST api, but http://www.perl.events <http://www.perl.events/> would just be a easy way to see what is going on world wide and have a website directly available, without munging on templates.
so we could still host the old ACT as is and start with a (uniform) new front end, and yes, my.perl.events would be the private pages for personal admin stuff.
So, that also explains my renewed interest in having acces to the Act server, to continue with the REST api, and implement bit by bit
Concerning YAPC::Amsterdam, until mid december, it seems we will work with http://YAPC.Amsterdam <http://yapc.amsterdam/>
After that, we might move to TPC.Amsterdam
> On Oct 25, 2016, at 9:21 PM, Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni <sebastien at aperghis.net> wrote:
> Hello,
> Theo van Hoesel wrote:
>> YAPC::Amsterdam a.k.a "The Perl Conference in Amsterdam"
>> please setup the servers so we can start publishing the website for
>> YAPC next year.
>> it has been discussed with people from TPF and from now on, we'd like
>> to use a new 'top-level directory name: /tpc
>> sub path: /tpc/amsterdam-2017
>> suggested Act-Conference repo:
>> https://github.com/Act-Conferences/tpc-2017-amsterdam
> Laurent just created it.
I got the message from GitHub, indeed
>> other conferences will follow that pattern. No longer will "The Perl
>> Conference" be divided in regions, they will be named with the city
>> where it's being held. Much like OSCON. TPF does prefer global
>> branding, As does the majority of the Amsterdam organisers.
>> If, for example the next YAPC::NA would be held in Detroit... it will
>> be: "The Perl Conference in Detroit" ... /tpc/detroit-2017
> "The Perl Conference" sure will be easier to market than "YAPC."
i love YAPC.Amsterdam,. The Perl Conference
> However, a piece of information missing in your email is the domain
> which should support the conference(s). Also, out of the box, I'd
> say we can't insert a "/tpc/" in the middle of URLs like this.
that was a mistake from my side:
> We can probably somehow cheat with some ProxyPass or RewriteRule
> trickery, but it's not really elegant.
> If the aim is to make things simpler & easier to find, a single
> domain like perlconference.org to host all these newly branded
> conferences seems the most obvious way to go.
> Act being Act, we need a dedicated subdomain. For example:
> - act.perlconference.org
> - the.perlconference.org
> - my.perlconference.org
> Then next year's editions would have the following URLs:
> http://the.perlconference.org/tpc-2017-amsterdam/
> http://the.perlconference.org/tpc-2017-detroit/
> What do you think?
that does look nice
> --
> Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni
Thanks for responding so fast this time!!!!
> Close the world, txEn eht nepO.
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