Urgent to get access to CZPW site

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni sebastien at aperghis.net
Thu Jan 9 14:48:16 CET 2014

Nicholas Butler wrote:

> Hi Sebastien,

Hello Nicholas,

> You are going to be surprised that I can tell you that I managed to
> login using WinSCP and can see the files etc.

Good to hear :)

> I see the basic template is in actdocs folder, is there somewhere,
> where I can find more templates to use?

Templating in Act uses a bunch of template parts, which are used with
a kind of inheritance system: in your directory are the main ones you
need to edit for your conference, the rest comes from from the base
parts. You can overload these as well when necessary, but it shouldn't
be needed in your case.

You can read more about this in the Act documentation for the organizer:
  » http://act.mongueurs.net/doc/Manual/Organizer.html

especially the Layout and Template sections, which describe the roles
of the important files and directories:
  » http://act.mongueurs.net/doc/Manual/Organizer/Layout.html
  » http://act.mongueurs.net/doc/Manual/Organizer/Templates.html

The template engine is Template Toolkit 2, of which you should read the
manual if you're not familiar with it:
  » http://template-toolkit.org/docs/manual/index.html

> And is there anything I should be aware of when editing the files, as
> I will be using Dreamweaver?

As far as I can tell, the TT2 files can be edited with Dreamweaver, like
any other HTML templating syntax. To improve the experience, if your
version of Dreamweaver don't already know how to handle TT2 syntax, you
can modify some configuration files so it does:
  » http://osdir.com/ml/lang.perl.modules.template-toolkit/2006-06/msg00018.html
  » http://helpx.adobe.com/dreamweaver/kb/change-add-recognized-file-extensions.html

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni

Close the world, txEn eht nepO.

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