[Act] github Act-Conferences perms for leejo

L Boivin elbeho at boivin.eu
Sat Jul 1 16:44:18 CEST 2017

Hi Lee,

As I said on IRC:
- repo lpw2017 created (you already push things)
- team lpw2017 created (that's in my procedure)
- http://test.mongueurs.net/lpw2017/ online

What's your logname in act?
I'll grant you admin on the conference (leejo did not work).

Let me knwo when you want the "prod" site

IIRC, mdk was not using much the test site.
But now, it's all up to you :-)


Le 30/06/2017 à 15:37, Lee J a écrit :
> Hi all,
> Pete has managed to rope me into sorting out the lpw2017 ACT site
> (didn't take much TBH). I need to create a repo in the Act-Conferences
> org on github but don't have perms to do that - could someone take a
> look (github user: leejo, I'm already part of the org).
> Also - is there anything that needs to happen to get the test
> site/db/etc up? Other than creating the repo under Act-Conferences and
> then pushing the mater branch out?
> Cheers!
> Lee.
> Lee A Johnson
> https://leejo.github.io
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