[Act] Dutch Perl Workshop NLPW::2018

Theo van Hoesel th.j.v.hoesel at gmail.com
Sun Feb 11 22:56:49 CET 2018

Dear admins,

preparations for the Dutch Perl Workshop are in progress and one of the thinks that would be great is that people could use Act as the backend of the websites.

Would you please be so kind to activate ‘nlpw2018’ on the Act servers ?

Out of curiosity, I wondered what would happen if I would simply create the nlpw2018 repo at  https://github.com/Act-Conferences <https://github.com/Act-Conferences>. Would it automagically create an instance on Act… ?
It does not, and I think that is the correct behaviour too.

Although it would be very convenient to have it activated. And maybe we should allow it to happen and have it limited to the contributors on Github… ?

Oh … Act out-of-the-Box is running experimentally, and developing on a local virtual machine works again.

Admin user for nlpw2018: 9566; vanHoesel … that is me :-)

Thank you very much guys for keeping it all up and running!


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